Sabtu, 16 Desember 2017

Review Novel "Tentang Kamu" Karya Tere Liye by Indah Lestari

Judul Buku : Tentang Kamu
Penulis : Tere Liye
Tebal Buku : 524 + vi halaman
Penerbit : Republika Penerbit, Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : Oktober 2016
       Wah ternyata saya tertipu. Yang pada awalny saya mengira bahwa novel tere liye "tentang kamu" ini bercerita tentang CINTA ini ternyata salah besar... Tapi ttep koq ketika kita membaca novel ini bakalan hanyut dengan ceritanya..
     Yukss gaess lihat sinopsisny dari novel "Tentang Kamu"
     Kisah ini bermula dari seorang pemuda bernama Zaman Zulkarnaen yang bekerja sebagai pengacara di salah satu firma hukum di London. Meski baru dua tahun bekerja di firma tersebut, Zaman mendapat sebuah kasus besar. Ia ditugaskan untuk mengurus warisan dari seorang klien yang baru saja meninggal di Paris. Klien tersebut adalah seorang perempuan tua, berusia 70 tahun, dan belasan tahun terakhir tinggal di panti jompo. Pemegang paspor Inggris serta izin menetap di Perancis. Aktif dalam kegiatan berkebun di panti jompo. Klien ini mewariskan aset berbentuk kepemilikan saham senilai satu miliar poundsterling atau setara 19 triliun rupiah. Dan yang lebih menarik, klien tersebut bernama Sri Ningsih. Dilihat dari namanya, dia berasal dari Indonesia, negara yang sama dengan negara asal Zaman sebelum dia menyelesaikan kuliah master hukum di Oxford University.
       Demi menyelesaikan tugas tersebut, pada hari itu juga, Zaman langsung berkunjung ke panti jompo, tempat Sri Ningsih menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya. Disana Zaman memperoleh petunjuk berupa buku diary Sri. Buku tersebut sederhana. Hanya ada sepuluh halaman yang berisi tulisan, dibagi menjadi lima bagian, masing-masing dua halaman. Setiap bagian hanya ada satu-dua paragraf pendek, beserta satu-dua foto yang ditempelkan di halaman bagian itu (hal.18). Berbekal dari buku diary, Zaman menelusuri kehidupan Sri dari masa kecilnya hingga ia meninggal. Zaman harus menjelajahi tiga negara, lima kota, dan beribu luka. Setelah menelusuri setiap bagian dari kisah hidup Sri, Zaman pun akhirnya bisa menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan baik.
        Tiga negara, lima kota. Bisa kau bayangkan riset yang dilakukan oleh seorang Tere Liye untuk novel terbarunya ini? Meski belum pernah mengunjunginya, pasti dia sudah mempelajarinya. Bagaimana kondisi bangunannya? Budayanya? Bahasa? Belum lagi ceritanya yang berlatar belakang waktu tahun 1940-an hingga sekarang ini. Luar biasa sekali mengikuti perjalanan Zaman dalam menjalankan tugas pentingnya itu.

Selain ceritany yg menarik bamget ada Quote ‘Tentang Kamu’ Tere Liye lo...

      "Ada banyak hal-hal hebat yang tampil sederhana. Bahkan sepertinya, banyak momen berharga dalam hidup datang dari hal-hal kecil yang luput kita perhatikan. Karena kita terlalu sibuk mengurus sebaliknya.” ― Tere Liye, Tentang Kamu

       “Masa lalu, rasa sakit, masa depan, mimpi-mimpi, semua akan berlalu, seperti sungai yang mengalir. Maka biarlah hidupku mengalir seperti sungai kehidupan.”

Jumat, 10 Juni 2016

Indah Lestari_1401120986_Final Product Writing III B Class

Nama     : Indah Lestari
Kelas      : B
Nim        : 1401120986
Lecture   : M. Zaini Miftah M.Pd
Writing III

Final Product

How To Be A Good Person in Islamic Religion

            A good attitude person in Islamic Religion is e person have good skills, knowledge, speaks based on Islam. When they want to speak in  front of others people. Even though they are younger or older than. Be a good attitude person in Islam someone must have tips or ways to get the good interactive. A good attitude usually looks when someone talks or speaks with others people. Some easy ways to be a good attitude person in Islamic Religion, however for others people have a good attitude is very difficult thing to do.
            The first step to be agood attitude person in Islamic Religion is prepare your self. So, how we can to do that? Someone must have skills. Knowledge, tone, and low intonation when they want to speaks. Basic on islamic knowledge. The rule or obidient of Islam. Everythig will be speaks, they behaviours, must refers and consist of Islam.
            The second step to be agood person in Islamic Religion is about Islamic bacground knowledge. The knowledge of islam, related to history of Prophet and God, rules, obidient and anything else. For example, wemust know about the genital in Islam for man and woman. The genital of man in Islamic Religion based on Al-Qur’an and As- Sunnah are from the navel until knee. But, for womn all of body exceptly the face and palm of hand. We have more bacground knowledge of Islam it will be better to be a good attitude in Islam.
            The last step to be a good attitude person in Islamic Religion is get positive interactive with other people. For example, when we want start to speak with others, we can make the situation will be enjoy. Make the others people become sinceres with our speak. Only talk about positive things, speak as usual, and talk about knowledge beased on Islam or universal knowledge. Only rilex and enjoy with we are talkig about.
            Finally, eventhough with others people to be  a good attitude person in Islamic Religion is one of difficult things to do. I think, that is wrong statemant or perspective. Why? Because to be a good attitude person in Islam, we only focus and consist to keep our mouth, keep our eyes, keep our ears, and keep our heart from the negative things. Changes be positive things. Don’t forget to learn about Islamic and Universal knowledge.  

Kamis, 09 Juni 2016

Final Product_Writing III_Indah Lestari

Nama     : Indah Lestari
Kelas      : B
Nim        : 1401120986
Lecture   : M. Zaini Miftah M.Pd
Writing III
Final Product

How To Be A Good Attitude Person in Islamic Religion
A.    Introductory paragraph
·         General statemant
A good attitude person in Islamic Religion is e person have good skills, knowledge, speaks based on Islam. When they want to speak i  front of others people. Even though they are younger or older than. Be a good attitude person in Islam someone must have tips or ways to get the good interactive. A good attitude usually looks when someone talks or speaks with others people.
·         Thesis Statemant
Some easy ways to be a good attitude person in Islamic Religion, however for others people have a good attitude is very difficult thing to do.
B.     Body Paragraph
1.      The first step to be agood attitude person in Islamic Religion is prepare your self.
2.      The second step to be a good person in Islamic Religion is about Islamic bacground knowledge.
3.      The last step to be a good attitude person in Islamic Religion is get positive interactive with other people.
C.    Cocluding Paragraph
Finally, eventhough with others people to be  a good attitude person in Islamic Religion is one of difficult things to do. I think, that is wrong statemant or perspective. Why? Because to be a good attitude person in Islam, we only focus and consist to keep our mouth, keep our eyes, keep our ears, and keep our heart from the negative things. Changes be positive things. Don’t forget to learn about Islamic and Universal knowledge. 


How To Be A Good Person in Islamic Religion
            A good attitude person in Islamic Religion is e person have good skills, knowledge, speaks based on Islam. When they want to speak in  front of others people. Even though they are younger or older than. Be a good attitude person in Islam someone must have tips or ways to get the good interactive. A good attitude usually looks when someone talks or speaks with others people. Some easy ways to be a good attitude person in Islamic Religion, however for others people have a good attitude is very difficult thing to do.
            The first step to be agood attitude person in Islamic Religion is prepare your self. So, how we can to do that? Someone must have skills. Knowledge, tone, and low intonation when they want to speaks. Basic on islamic knowledge. The rule or obidient of Islam. Everythig will be speaks, they behaviours, must refers and consist of Islam.
            The second step to be agood person in Islamic Religion is about Islamic bacground knowledge. The knowledge of islam, related to history of Prophet and God, rules, obidient and anything else. For example, wemust know about the genital in Islam for man and woman. The genital of man in Islamic Religion based on Al-Qur’an and As- Sunnah are from the navel until knee. But, for womn all of body exceptly the face and palm of hand. We have more bacground knowledge of Islam it will be better to be a good attitude in Islam.
            The last step to be a good attitude person in Islamic Religion is get positive interactive with other people. For example, when we want start to speak with others, we can make the situation will be enjoy. Make the others people become sinceres with our speak. Only talk about positive things, speak as usual, and talk about knowledge beased on Islam or universal knowledge. Only rilex and enjoy with we are talkig about.

            Finally, eventhough with others people to be  a good attitude person in Islamic Religion is one of difficult things to do. I think, that is wrong statemant or perspective. Why? Because to be a good attitude person in Islam, we only focus and consist to keep our mouth, keep our eyes, keep our ears, and keep our heart from the negative things. Changes be positive things. Don’t forget to learn about Islamic and Universal knowledge.  

Senin, 11 Januari 2016

SRN     : 1401120986
WRITING II (Final Project)


        "BAAYUN MULUD"

    Baayun Mulud or Baayun Children Ceremony is one of the traditional Islamic costume in South Borneo.  One tradition Banjar society carried out during the important month of birth of the Prophet Muhammad. This ceremony is performance in the mosque or another places. For example in the mosque in the middle of the room made a swing that strectch on poles mosque.  The swing is made there are three layers. The top layer of fabric use sasirangan, the middle layer of yellow cloth and the bottom layer of fabric wear bahalai. On the rope swing adorned with af shaped woven artificial bird, katupat bangsur, kambang sarai, chains. The people usually make ornaments using fruits or traditional cakes such as bowsprit, rings, bracelets cake, banana, coconut, and others. Participants Baayun Mulud is not limited to infants who are in the village that implement it. But it is okay to participants from other village come to enliven. Even today there are still people who are old baayun participate because they felt as a child did not get to join the ceremony baayun Mulud.  The purpose rocked at the time was to take the blessings of the glory of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Parents who attended hoping that rocked the child becomes an obedient people, have fear of Allah and His Messenger. The tradition is carried in bulk as a reflection of gratitude to Allah SWT for an abundance of grace and the gift of the birth of Prophet Muhammad. 

Adorn              : Menghiasi, put the decorations.
Baayun Mulud: Baayun Children Ceremony, one of the traditional Islamic costume in South    Kalimantan.
Bahalai            : Long cloth without seam connection
Enliven            : Memeriahkan
Glory               : Kemenangan, victory, keagungan.
Sasirangan       : Sarigading
Strectch           : Of something soft or elastic.
Swing              : Ayunan, buaian
Yellow cloth   : Calico fabrics that are colored yellow from turmeric extract 

                    Guys...   Thank You very Much For Your Comments.

Selasa, 05 Januari 2016


                                                               "BAAYUN MULUD"

          Baayun Mulud or Baayun Children Ceremony is one of the traditional Islamic costume in South Borneo.  One tradition Banjar society carried out during the important month of birth of the Prophet Muhammad. This ceremony is performance in the mosque. The mosque in the middle of the room made a swing that strectch on poles mosque.  The swing is made there are three layers. The top layer of fabric use sasirangan, the middle layer of yellow cloth and the bottom layer of fabric wear bahalai. On the rope swing adorned with af shaped woven artificial bird, halilipan, katupat bangsur, kambang sarai, chains. The people usually make ornaments using fruits or traditional cakes such as bowsprit, rings, bracelets cake, banana, coconut, and others. Participants Baayun Mulud is not limited to infants who are in the village that implement it. But it is okay to participants from other village come to enliven. Even today there are still people who are old baayun participate because they felt as a child did not get to join the ceremony baayun Mulud.  The purpose rocked at the time was to take the blessings of the glory of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Parents who attended hoping that rocked the child becomes an obedient people, have fear of Allah and His Messenger. The tradition is carried in bulk as a reflection of gratitude to Allah SWT for an abundance of grace and the gift of the birth of Prophet Muhammad .

Adorn              : Menghiasi, put the decorations.
Baayun Mulud: Baayun Children Ceremony, one of the traditional Islamic costume in South   Kalimantan.
Bahalai            : Long cloth without seam connection

Enliven            : Memeriahkan
Glory               : Kemenangan, victory, keagungan.
Sasirangan       : Sarigading
Strectch           :  Of something soft or elastic
Swing              : Ayunan, buaian
Yellow cloth   : Calico fabrics that are colored yellow from turmeric extract